第五届石油化工和节能减排国际研讨会(pecer 2021)
the 5th int'l conference on petrochemical, energy conservation and emissions reduction (pecer 2021)
第五届石油化工和节能减排国际研讨会(pecer 2021)将于2021年12月4-6日在三亚举行。本届大会将继续遵循学术性、国际性的原则,特邀国内外石油化工和节能减排领域内的学者专家前来参会,并做出精彩的报告。石油化工和节能减排国际研讨会是在领域内享受盛名的国际学术研讨会之一,大会议题涵盖石油石化工程,地质力学与岩石物理,节能减排,能源规划研究,工业节能减排,旨在为行业内专家和学者分享技术进步和业务经验,聚焦石油化工和节能减排研究领域的前沿研究,提供一个交流的平台。
出版物:所有被会议录用的英文稿件将会发表在开源期刊上, 更多详情请与我们联系 (workshop12@163.com)。
1、全文参会;参会 全文发表 摘要,一篇录用文章允许一名作者参会,并做10-15分钟口头报告
2、摘要参会:参会 摘要报告,投递摘要并参会,做10-15分钟口头报告
3、海报展示:参会 摘要,投递摘要,申请海报展示
petroleum and petrochemical engineering fossil technologies
geomechanics and rock physics
geology and geochemistry
reservoir characterization
reservoir fluids
reservoir geophysics
oil & gas exploration
energy management and environmental issues
offshore technology
hydrocarbons recovery mechanisms
oil & gas production
enhanced oil recovery
oil & gas processing, storage and transportation
pipelines & tankers
lng transportation
petroleum safety operations
international and national transportation
downstream technologies petrochemical processes
plant performance and optimization
chemicals production
refining technologies and plant inspection
petrochemical technologies and products
chemical industry technologiesand products
chemical industry safety operations
renewable energy sources and technology
energy management systems
well drilling
biomass energy and geothermal resources energy infrastructure
environmental impacts of oil & gas industry
oil recovery and waste control and management investing in gas and oil sector
economics of oil & gas sector
oil & gas management
energy conservation and emissions reduction
energy planning studies
energy saving and emissions reduction in industries
energy intensive industries
sustainable transportation and transport integration
energy investment feasibility
cost reduction and less emission
traffic and transportation
petroleum & natural gas engineering
combustion and gasification
combined heat and power systems
hydrogen energy production, storage and transmission
air pollution and its effects on ecosystems
environmental management
environmental risk analysis
climate and global change
design and nature
economic and efficient energy systems
environmental management
environmental impact from the use of energy
architectural issues
energy resources and environment
environmental and ecological policies
global change, climate and biodiversity
environmental education and impact on society, the economy and employment
indoor air quality in offices and houses
international strategy for energy, development and environment
landscape and forestation issues
education on socio-economic aspects of energy
land use and management
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